Our Mission
is to connect clients with qualified professionals to facilitate improvement in client health and wellness. Seven Element Training and Wellness values honesty, evidence-based practices, comprehensive service, community improvement, and cultivating client self-sufficiency. This is not your typical wellness service. We do not prioritize client retention; in fact we strive for the opposite. We want you to not need us as soon as possible, because you have achieved the ability to improve yourself without the need of an external service. We provide you with the tools to function independently and seek out information and services that cultivate self-sufficiency instead of reliance. By the end of your supportive and educational journey with Seven Element Training and Wellness you will be able to identify areas of improvement, establish an actionable plan, and achieve your goals in any and every element of your wellness.
is broadly defined as ``the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.`` However, the term is often co-opted by business or ``coaches``/influencers/gurus to provide buyers and clients with the notion that purchasing a specific good or service will directly improve their lives in some vague way. Here at Seven Element Training and Wellness, we have a different approach that is comprehensive and most importantly: directed at increasing your ability to recognize what you need and how to improve your circumstances on your terms. Below is a break down of the different elements of wellness we take into account when developing our bespoke training approaches that will train you to help yourself in any circumstance.
Every element has a degree of influence and overlap with every other element. Being able to balance an approach that addresses weak points as well as enhances strengths allows us at Seven Element Training and Wellness to help you create a better life for yourself today and every day moving forward.